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Flyin’ Flippity Floo.

Again, I have no idea what that headline means. The photo was the weirdest nonsequitor I had in my image folder.

At this rate, I’ll have to change the blog classification to “What the Eff-around Friday.”

And, hey, I should eff-around today. I should have fun tonight. I should, as the poets implore, Wang Chung tonight.

Tomorrow I start out bright and early helping my mom move schtuff around in her storage area so she can fit her new car in the garage. She still has her license, but she hasn’t been an active driver for a long time. A weird side effect of a 52 year marriage. At some point she asked herself why she had a car if she never drove anywhere by herself.

Dad’s illness snapped her out of that.  She needs to drive him back and forth from treatment. She needs to be mobile while he’s laid up in the hospital. Back in the saddle. It’s comforting to see.

After that it’s on to a family gathering where I think I’m supposed to run an electrical drop in somebody’s unfinished basement. Not much of an effort. Shouldn’t be.  Wouldn’t kill me to earn out my barbeque and beer.

Being as I’m seeing my dad on Saturday, and my wife is hanging out with her mom on Fathers’ Day (you can figure that math out for yourself), I have no idea what I’m doing on Sunday. Probably binge-watching the missing episodes of True Detective and Game of Thrones.

As I was helping my son move a few weeks ago, he asked what we should do for Fathers’ Day.

“Go to the ATM,” I said. “Take out twenty bucks.  Put it in your pocket. Then take your girl to a Fudruckers P. McApplebees chain restaurant and buy her dinner. We’re Scottish, Son. We don’t do Hallmark Holidays.”

Relief washed over his face. “I love you, Dad.”

“I know, Son. I love you too.”

Happy Father’s Day to you and yours, my dearest reader. Hallowed or Hallmark, mandatory or manufactured, may you find a moment for an act of kindness to one you love. Or perhaps find a moment of reflection for a love that has moved it’s persistent energy to another plane of existence. Find a quiet place and listen for the echoes of a father figure who shaped you.

Happy Friday.

1 comment

  • Dane Tyler

    June 14, 2014 at 1:11 am

    Happy Father’s Day, Shawn. God bless.