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Big Talk

…And then there are weeks where I have blog topics I want to cover, but some outrageous asshole at my workplace expects me to WORK! WORK! Can you believe it?

I missed two days this week because of late-breaking workloads hitting my desk. No apologies.

I’m looking down the barrel of a cocked-and-locked weekend. Plenty of self-imposed chores await. My yard hasn’t been mowed in over two weeks because of scheduling + near-constant rain. I might have to rent a hay baler.  I have pointless large rocks in my yard. I inherited them from the previous owners/renters of my house. Flat shale pavers (sounds like an Irish bar band, doesn’t it?) that serve no purpose but to kill grass and knick my lawnmower blades are scattered everywhere.  Stange little celtic outcroppings of stones that perhaps at one time framed some kind of garden or landscaping?  All shit that I’ve mowed around, slalomed, and stubbed my toe on for twelve years until the point where I forgot that it’s actually my yard, Gus. For twelve years I’ve thought, “One of these days I’m going to do something about those stupid effing rocks.”  Tomorrow may be that day.  There’s a small window when I can dump them at a concrete recycling plant a few miles away. I shall endeavor to make a first wave of de-rockifying my yard.

The house also needs a deep cleaning. Toothbrush in the grout kinda cleaning. Throw away half of the dog toys kinda cleaning.  Finally bury that dead drifter in a shallow grave and air out that back room kinda cleaning. Right now it’s all big talk. We’ll see.  We’re inspired by the newly-installed windows making our home look good again.

We’re going to work really hard this weekend. I swear.

Tommy Lee

Julian VonJames wants to go shoot guns, but I have no idea how we’ll squeeze that in. Would be nice if we were done with chores by early afternoon.

Sunday we’re making another attempt to run to Central Illinois to see in-laws at the Eleven Acre Wood. The dog is looking forward to the epic car ride. That makes one of us.

Crimeny. I just checked the weekend forecast. Rain with a chance of more rain, interrupted by intermittent outbursts of rain. Shit.

Inside or out, may you enjoy the weekend with someone you love. Or love to pet. Whatevs. Crazy cat ladies need love too.






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