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Slow Adapter

My new work-from-home schema (while our office is renovated) is messing with my body clock. And my discipline. Three years ago, before three rounds of layoffs, our office was busting at the seams. People were doubling up in cubes. My boss begged me to work from home and give up my office. I only live 3.3 miles from my office. It wouldn’t have been a big deal just to work from home and drive into the office for meetings.

I didn’t do it. I just like the discipline of going into the office. I like the routine.

Working from home requires a heightened sense of discipline that I don’t necessarily excel at.

I probably generated twice as much output as I normally do, working from home yesterday. But without the drone hum of the office aligning my internal clock to “lunch time,” and “wrap it up time,” I blew through the signals. Next thing I knew My Beautiful Wife was standing next to me and it was time for supper.

“Why is this a problem?” You ask? Because I’m home for at least four more weeks and I don’t want to outwork my inbox. I fear that jobs will trickle in slower with everybody else watching Dr. Oz instead of editing my stuff.

In a few minutes, I’m supposed to meet my boss for some document reviews. Knowing my boss, I’ll be there the entire afternoon, so unless I wanted to miss another post, I knew I better file early.

Guardians of the Galaxy.  Shit. I hate being the only one who dislikes the movie that everybody else loves. (See also: Lego Movie) I came really close to walking out of GotG. I didn’t think it was fun. I certainly didn’t think it was half as funny as it obviously thought it was.

I’m on record as saying, “Chris Pine or Chris Pratt, pick one and the other must stop working so I stop confusing the two.”  Srsly, I think it would have been a much better movie with Chris Pine as Star-Lord. Pine makes a much better smartass.  I didn’t buy  into Pratt’s charm at all.

Oculus.  I could kill my son. I could kill him. He sold that movie to me as “the Thinking Man’s horror movie.”  I love those types of movies. The original Lost Boys, when they filled SuperSoakers with holy  water?  Fuck yeah!  Love it!

Everything about Oculus was shaping up to be a home run. And then the pusstastic ending. What a fucking cheat. Shameless. Just shameless.

HOLLYWOOD SCREENWRITING HINT: “You must actually finish the first movie before you queue up for a sequel, Asswipay.”

Oculus didn’t have a bad ending. It had no ending. Buuuuullll. Shiiiiiit!

Sigh. I waited so long to see that. What a letdown.

I’m monkeying around with getting shooting shirts for MBW, myself, and some friends.  The graphic at the top is what I came up with for our logo. It’s supposed to represent Artemis, Goddess of Hunting and Marksmanship.  Unfortunately she came out looking more like a Bond girl.  Not sure this is going to fly.

I cribbed the graphic from the following two graphics; an oil painting of Artemis, and a woman who just happened to appear in a photo holding her pistol at the perfect angle for tracing.



Too much?  Yeah. It’s too much, isn’t it?

Happy Eff-around Friday, Y’all. Looks like I’m finally going to have to mow, thanks to the soaking rain waking up my grass. How’s by you?


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