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An Open Letter to my Kids about People Who Write Open Letters to their Kids

Oh, shut the fuck up.

Shut up with your bullshit about role models and your shaming and your self-righteous tongue clucking.

I’m so sick of Outrage Nation and leash-snappers.

miley-cyrusMiley is a train wreck. Fine. This is not breaking news. The pictures of her smoking up were your first clue. The stories about her and her dad acting like jerks on the set of Hanna Montana the last season they taped at Disney were your second clue. The escarpment of cultural relevancy was-and-is crumbling away under her heels and she made one last gasp attempt to jump back in the fame game.

For all we know, it may end up working. She’s a talentless studio product and yet… She’s half way back into the zeitgeist, thanks to the leash-snappers and Outrage Nation’s hype machine.

But you got tired of that and moved on to try and pin Robin Thicke with the role model brush? Really? Why? Because he’s white? You weren’t as concerned when it was Chris Brown performing at the VMAs, and that guy is a fartstain upon the culture’s funky underwear.

Robin Thicke is 36. He produces and performs white guy hip hop. He sings sexy songs. As far as I know, he was never a Wiggle and he never wore a Barney costume. They offered him a showcase spot on the VMAs and he showed up and did what they told him to do. And, despite the circus around him, he did well at his assigned task.


We all have to be better than somebody else, I guess.

NY Post movie critic Kyle Smith, the closest-known human equivalent to Grumpy Cat, had a scathing takedown of leash-snapping culture in an op-ed today. Go Kyle.


Okay. I feel better.

Where was I? Oh yeah. Eff-around Friday.

I got nothin’.

No clue what we are doing this weekend. I’m so out of it, I didn’t even know it was a holiday weekend until the Corporate Parents sent out a “go home early” email.

photo (9)

For the past 14 Fridays, there were only two where I couldn’t buy 9mm ammo at Cabela’s. Independence Day weekend and today. They always save it up their shipments and put whatever they have in stock out on Friday mornings. There is always plenty left when I swing by at lunchtime.  Today there was a plethora of centerfire pistol ammo (above) but no 9mm and no .380. Perhaps they are holding the 9mm back for a big sale tomorrow.

My Beautiful Wife and I were sitting in a Chinese restaurant last night. I pointed at these weird, bearded masks up on the wall.

Duck Dynasty

ME: “You know anything about Chinese history?”

MBW: “Not really.”

ME: “I had some History of Asian Art classes, but I can’t place what era those would be from.”

MBW: “With beards like that? I’m pretty sure those are from the Duck Dynasty.”

Well played, honey.

Happy holiday weekend everybody.

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