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Eff-Around Friday

Life is irony, isn’t it?

Explaining My Beautiful Wife’s parental lineage requires a PowerPoint, some flowcharts, and six credit hours at the local community college. The takeaway is that her state-hopping, oft-moving parental unit father has finally retired nearby. Almost simultaneously, the World’s Greatest Mother-in-Law, the one who has always lived within walking distance of our house, is pulling up stakes and moving to warmer climes.

Coincidence? Or Irony?

This weekend, the WGMIL is finalizing a contract on her local home. Good news for her. Bad news for us. It means she’ll be on her way soon.

And My Beautiful Wife and I are motoring east to see the new abode of her father.

Golly! Golly! Gee-gee-gee.
Give a hoot, give a cheer, tip a hat to i-ron-y!

First beta reader reported finishing Selfie. Woot!  There’s never enough feedback from a beta reader. You want nuance. You want in-depth insight into characterization and plot mechanations. You want your beta reader to turn in a term paper with insightful discourse on all of the thematic symbolism that it took you months to hone to exactitude.

What you get is: “Ehn. Didn’t suck.”



And me?

Im okay with this

I’ll take it!  Every day of the week and twice on Sunday! So few beta readers finish reading, any feedback I get is a gift more precious than rubies.

1 comment

  • Vanessa

    July 27, 2013 at 6:00 am

    Sounds like WGMIL didn’t want to live too close to her ex. Really, would any of us? LOL