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On Submission #1

Jun 25 6

Ewkaaaaay. Apparently my agent sent Selfie to a (big) publisher who requested an exclusive read. …Without editing. Not sure what to think about that.  I’ve never had a manuscript on submission before, unless you count the lies of my previous lying-ass agent; an agent so ethical that her agency started selling editing services to queriers […]

Build a Better Boogeyman

Jun 18 0

Apologies for another flashback to the early nineties. 1993, 1994. I did the single dad thing. I had (and still have)  a particularly visceral reaction to movies and commercials that portray fathers as incompetent boobs who cannot function as an adult without a mother unit supervising them. That wasn’t me, man. I had my shit together. […]

Eyeballing the Odometer

Jun 11 1

Growing up, the guy who lived behind us owned an urban used car dealership. Dad bought a couple of cars from Dave, cars Dave swore were “the good ones.”  In select company Dave  explained that his specialty was moving “Hundred Thousand Mile Shooters;” cars that still had the paint, but not much engine life left. Dad and I […]

Bully. Bigger Bully.

Jun 05 0

“There is only one known cure for a bully. And that’s a bigger bully. You can wait for a bigger bully to come along, or you can become the bigger bully.” -Dad McDonald, 1983 My buddy Flynn became a teacher. High school Science and History. This is a good thing. This is a good thing […]